Sleep Care


Does your child have any of the following issues?

ADD/ADHD – Bedwetting – Chronic Allergies – Difficulty In School – Mouth Breathing – Snoring – Restless Sleep – Stunted Growth – Nightmares – Crowded or Crooked Teeth – Dark Circles Under Eyes – Swollen Tonsils/Adenoids – Aggressive Behavior – Overbite – Underdeveloped Lower Jaw – Daytime Drowsiness

He or she may have a sleep disorder.

Your Child’s Health, Development And Well-Being Depends Upon Great Sleep.

Sleep Care – Children’s Growth And Breathing

Why parents should pay attention to their child’s breathing. 

The development and growth of children are intricate processes that encompass not just the physical but also the cognitive and emotional aspects of their well-being.

Among these, respiratory health plays a crucial role in ensuring that children can grow and thrive without complications.

Here we discuss the multifaceted relationship between children’s growth, respiratory health, and sleep, highlighting the significance of sleep, symptoms parents should be vigilant about, and the potential impact on a child’s day-to-day life.

And, most importantly, how we can scientifically help your child develop and retain a healthy sleep pattern with professional sleep care that will eliminate many unhealthy medical conditions.

The Importance of Sleep Care for Growing Children

Sleep is fundamental to the healthy growth and development of children. It is during sleep that the body releases growth hormones, which are essential for the growth of bones, muscles, and tissues. Moreover, sleep plays a critical role in brain development, affecting learning, memory, emotional regulation, and cognitive functions.

Adequate sleep is thus not only necessary for physical growth but also for cognitive and emotional development, making it a cornerstone of a child’s overall health. Sleep care is essential for a healthy, well-adjusted child.

Respiratory Health and Growth & Sleep Care

Respiratory health issues can significantly impact a child’s growth and development. Conditions such as asthma, allergies, and recurrent respiratory infections can lead to disturbed sleep patterns, which, in turn, can affect the body’s ability to grow and repair. Children with chronic respiratory problems may experience frequent night awakenings, reduced sleep quality, and, consequently, inadequate secretion of growth hormones, potentially leading to growth delays.

Symptoms Parents Should Be Vigilant About

Several symptoms may indicate that a child’s growth and sleep are being affected by respiratory problems. Parents should be observant of the following signs:

  • Bedwetting: While common in young children, persistent bedwetting may be a sign of sleep disturbances.
  • Waking up frequently during the night: This could indicate sleep apnea or other respiratory issues that disrupt sleep.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism): Often associated with stress or anxiety, teeth grinding can also be a symptom of sleep apnea.
  • Daytime drowsiness: Insufficient sleep at night can lead to excessive sleepiness during the day, affecting a child’s energy levels and mood.
  • Trouble concentrating: Lack of sleep can significantly impact cognitive functions, making it difficult for children to focus and learn.
  • Hyperactivity (ADHD): Sleep problems are common in children with ADHD, but conversely, sleep disturbances can also mimic or exacerbate ADHD-like symptoms.

The Link Between Sleep Disorders and Growth Problems

Sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can have a profound impact on a child’s growth. OSA is characterized by repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and reduced oxygen levels in the blood. These disturbances can hinder the secretion of growth hormones, potentially resulting in growth delays.

Furthermore, the resultant poor sleep quality can affect a child’s behavior, learning, and overall quality of life.

Addressing Respiratory and Sleep-Related Issues With Sleep Care

Early identification and treatment of sleep and respiratory issues are crucial. Parents noticing any of the above symptoms in their children should consult me, Dr. Daniel Lamb, for a comprehensive evaluation.

You can make an appointment HERE.

As a specially-trained medical professional in children’s sleep and breathing disorders, I can identify signs of impaired and disordered breathing in your child from my office in Colorado Springs. Using the most modern technology, I can accurately diagnose the cause of your child’s sleep problems and will recommend and supervise the appropriate treatment.

I stay on the job until your child is sleeping normally and in a healthy manner.

Many Effective Treatments Available For Sleep-Related Disorders

Treatments may include lifestyle changes, such as improving sleep hygiene, medical intervention for respiratory conditions, a myofunctional trainer (similar to a mouthguard), getting allergies under control or some habit-correcting exercises to encourage nasal breathing.

Children’s Growth And Breathing – The Keystone Of A Healthy Child

Children’s growth and development are intricately linked to their respiratory health and sleep quality.

Sleep disorders and breathing problems can not only affect a child’s physical growth but also their cognitive development and emotional well-being. Recognizing the signs of sleep disturbances and respiratory issues early on can lead to timely interventions, ensuring that children have the opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential.

Parents play a critical role in monitoring their child’s health and seeking professional advice when concerns arise, thereby safeguarding their child’s overall well-being and future growth prospects.



Keystone Dental Center

4118 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 719-596-0212

Office Hours

Tuesday – Thursday, 7a – 6p
Airway Patients are seen Friday 8a-12p.


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